
Netflix And BOP

As countless movie trailers keep reminding us, the world is changing. With theaters struggling to attract butts to seats, streaming sites are shaping up to soon be the primary way we see new releases. So how well are they handling the responsibility? Join Cody and Jamie as they discuss the highs, lows, and Brights of the former pop-up ad nuisance and current King Of New Media, The Net-Flicks. Does The Irishman live up to the hype, or did Disney put out a hit on Martin Scorsese for nothing? Is word-of-mouth going to be enough to make these titles stand out in an increasingly flooded library? Are we close to Netflix Horror becoming a sub-genre of its own? And for God's sake, will somebody tell Tom Waits how high a bird can count? Next episode playing in 3... 2... 1...


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