THE WITCHES Commentary Track
Get ready to emerge nude from your Ghostbusters playset, because BOP is celebrating Halloween with Nicolas Roeg's 90s stranger danger fantasy THE WITCHES! Apologies in advance, but our feature commentary will unfortunately cause you to remember that this Roald Dahl adaptation did in fact happen and wasn't merely a freakish nightmare! It happened and you will WATCH IT AGAIN WITH US, DAMMIT. So, join Witchfinder General Cody, Hotel Manager Mike, and Grand High Bitch Jamie, as they talk about one of Anjelica Huston's best performances, the balance between whimsy and horror this movie masters, and the creature effects that still give us the willies to this day. Listen now, before Cody is trapped inside his Scream poster forever!
Call out for help from your badass Witch Hunter Grandma by downloading the commentary here!
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Call out for help from your badass Witch Hunter Grandma by downloading the commentary here!
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iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/box-office-pulp/id577338641
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